Desiccated Coconut Powder, Dry Coconut Copra, Virgin Oil, Nisargacoconut


Oil extracted through cold pressed method is always retains its original charecteristics and good for health.Coconut oil is always believed to be containing all nutrients and we at nisarga believe in giving the naturalk products.Our cold pressed coconut oil is extracted through traditional method of wooden expellers and through very slow process even to maintain the friction heat to lowest level.

Our Cocoruchi Cold pressed oil is extracted from handpicked coconuts of edible quality which are totally sun dried.It is almost clear in colour.


  • Encourage Fat burning due to Medium Chain triglyserides present 
  • Quick source of energy
  • Have antmicrobial effects
  • Help in reduce hunger
  • Improves oral health
  • Boosts skin and hair health
  • Acts as Good antioxidant 


current price: 125 200